Monday, August 15, 2011

Outside The Radius

Most people on this planet live the majority of their years inside roughly a 50 mile radius. I'm one of them.

It's nice in here. It's safe. I know where everything is (except for the lid to that one yellow tupperware container). I know how to avoid the crazy people (more or less). There are things here to be tended to - parents, kids, pets, houses, jobs, bills, lawns, mysterious engine lights on vehicles, house plants. The list of 'things' is endless, and those things can often be an incredible nuisance. But it's also those things that make 'here' home. I like home.

But once in a while I, like most people, venture Outside the Radius ...

1 comment:

  1. Just re-read your entry this morning and realized that this is why I do what I do--venturing into unknown situations to shake up my brain and see how other people live and work. Not as adventurous as your cross country train trip, but each time I get on a plane, I'm pushing myself a little more to truly experience where I'm going and the people I'll meet. You are an inspiration!
