Yes, I know it's Friday. We're a little behind. This trip has been packed to the gills and then some (it feels a lot like a week long T2, for you triathletes out there) ... let's try to catch up ...
Lizard Head Cycling Guides arrived at the hotel at 9am (last) Sunday, with our bikes riding happily on the roof of the luxury van and attached trailer. It was right about now that it hit me 'we really ARE going cycling in the Colorado Rockies'. After loading up we took the scenic drive from Denver to Salida.
The boys standing around after a quick stop on the Colorado Trail to ... admire the foliage. Left to Right: Steve (from Telluride, near Lizard Head's corporate office), Todd, Terry (from Louisiana), John Sada, John Humphries (Lizard Head's CEO), John Martin. | |
The left-most saddle is (I think) the top of one of the two climbs on our mammoth stage (Wednesday). |
Around here, ALL rivers rush. The sound and smell are incredible, and notice that the water is clear, not muddy brown. |
Immediately upon arriving, we had a great lunch in a gorgeous little park in the heart of Salida. By the time we got ourselves out of the van (roughly 7 seconds) Eric had already setup 2 buffet tables, cut local veggies and avocado for sandwiches, and was putting a spoon in the fresh olive and artichoke salad. These guys know how to eat! And the best part: you blink and there's food in front of you. I don't think we're going to go hungry on this trip.
By chance, there was a charity event going on in the park (complete with charity bike ride, of course) with live music. They were a country band - sounded good, if you like that sort of thing; nonetheless entertaining if you don't - one of the favorites: 'If you got no one to love, why don't you try loving me?'.
Todd and John relaxing while the Lizard Head Chef (Eric) prepares lunch in the background. |
After lunch we headed out on a short 'welcome to Colorado' ride (aka 'see if your lungs function at this altitude' ride). After about 3 miles I realized that there really is no flat out here - if you think it's flat, you're wrong. Motorists out here know that - they're either chugging to get up a climb and really don't want to lose momentum by slowing down (for, oh, say, a cyclist to cross the road) ... or they're flying down a descent and making up time from the previous slow climb. However, they generally seem to have no real angst towards cyclists, and more importantly, seem comfortable with sharing the road with the likes of us. We tooled around the outskirts of Salida and then headed into town to check out a local bike store and enjoy the hoppin' little town - Stage 1 of the Pro Tour starts here on Tuesday!
John Humphries, showing his moves outside the bike shop. |
Absolute Bikes, Salida Colorado. They fixed problems with my, Sada's and Todd's bikes at no charge and wished us a great trip. If you're in Salida and need something go check them out. |
Todd and John, near the end of our easy 'Tastin' Lung' ride, on the way up to the very swank 'Tudor Rose Chalets' where we stayed for the night. There was a 100 yd 17% grade hill just minutes to the left of this picture. Todd made a valiant attack on Humphries and Sada at the bottom of the hill and won the stage.*
(*had the finish line been only 30yds up the hill). |
Denver was at 5280 ft, Salida 7080 ft. In general, us non-mountain-folk are feeling pretty good. John Martin's magic supplement to combat the altitude seems to be working for me, him and Todd. John and I had blazing headaches all day today, but with the help of assorted drugs it's easing up nicely. Other folks said on the ride they noticed they were breathing a little harder and their heart rates felt higher than usual - but nothing unbearable.
We had a great dinner at an abandoned whore house called the 'Red Lady' - the food was spectacular and the conversation was even better. The quote of the day (again, bonus points if you can guess who said it):
Multiple girlfriends? You mean 'catch and release'?
Tomorrow we ride from Salida to Crested Butte (92 miles, by way of Monarch Pass - 11300 ft): the Pro's Stage 1!
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